Monday, July 4, 2011

Wellness Program Step One

SparkPeople has this nifty little article about the 10 Steps to Starting a Wellness Program. The positive thing is the first step isn't "Hello, my name is Resa and I like to Also I'm fat."

The first of the ten omigawd steps is to write out your goals and desires.

Goals and desires? How am I supposed figure out how to put them all down? But they're smart, and have already figured out you don't know where to start with that kind of business. So they gave these little descriptions of the steps... Describe where you envision yourself in 3 to 5 years? Set 3 month and weekly goals. Said goals should be S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measured, Action-based, Realistic, and Time-Oriented.

So my 3 to 5 year vision...

Let's see these crazy kids will be 6 (to 8) and 4 (to 6). That means that I'll have atleast one elementary school student. My weekly schedule will also include activities such as dance, cheerleading, any number of sports, PTA and or Parent/Teacher meetings. Also on tap would be dinners at Grandma's, church and random spontaneous activities.

In my head what the heck do I look/feel like?

I'm still gunna be 5'5" because goodness knows no amount of exercise is going to help me grow those last couple of inches. But I hope to be fit. I hope to be able to run atleast a mile without being winded. I want to be able to keep up with my kids' coaches when they're running down the field at a game. I want to be able to catch my kids without my kids having to get wore out first (which currently takes... awhile). I wanna feel comfortable in my skin. I don't want to feel the need to 'suck it in' whenever someone walks behind my chair, whether at home, a restaurant or work. I want feel confident in my health.

Goal setting is something I can do, it's goal achieveing that I have issues with. So let's some goals and see where we get.

Three Months: In 3 months it will be October. Geez... Let's see... Something that is specific and measurable and action based and realistic and time oriented..oh goodness..

By the first week in October I will jog for 30 minutes without stopping.

Weekly Goal: Add a cardio excercise that will assist me in accomplishing my three month goal 3 times a week. So going to the park with kids and WALKING and not just watching them would count. Pushing the swing, or watching them play on the playground would not count.

This is where I am today. This week. Declaring my Independence and healthy life on Independence day.

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